Ambient Sounds

December 29, 2016 - By

Sometimes music is too much for a situation, but silence won’t do either. Well really, studies are showing silence is best, but I’m in an open office where silence just isn’t possible.

I recently have been experimenting with some of the ambient-sound sites out there. Below you will find a list of 5 single-serving sound sites. But first I want to talk about my fav: Noisli. Here are a few notable features:

  • combine sounds (like rain, wind, birds, stream, fire, coffeeshop, white noise etc.)
  • adjust volume levels per channel
  • adjust volume for the whole page (great if listening to music or something else too)
  • there’s a mobile app (about $3 canadian)
  • you can run it in a browser tab, or as a Chrome extension
  • there’s a built in distraction-free markdown editor (which seems a bit weird to me)
  • It’s minimalist, and easy on the eyes!


The other sites are decent too, and they are fun to combine. If you’re not too fussy about having a flash player make the sound there are other great ones out there.

  1. Noisli:
  2. Rainy Mood:
  3. Coffitivity
  4. August Ambients (crickets!)
  5. Listen to Wikipedia (pleasant dings when pages change)
  6. You are listening to (police scanner chatter, best when mixed imo)

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This post was written by ArleyM