Teacher for a day

November 18, 2013 - By

Not long ago I had the opportunity and pleasure of speaking to two classes of advertising and marketing students at Humber College in Toronto. It was a pretty cool experience, and on which I learned a lot in.

Some key take aways for me:

  • If a student is only getting two classes in a semester to “learn web” avoid teaching about layout floats.
  • I used my “outside voice” too much, and my throat was killing me after.
  • If you casually load up Hacker Typer, you’ll freak some people out.
  • My troubleshooting skills impressed even me as I figured out all of the extra html entities in a document path were the result of the student’s name being written in a non-English alphabet
  • Using Dreamweaver’s CSS Designer to create styles without writing code is weird, but a nice light learning curve.


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This post was written by ArleyM