Review of Reviews

January 3, 2008 - By

As 2007 fizzled to an end I found myself reading a lot of music reviews for the year. They all talked about internet and the impact on sales.

Here are some amazing facts:
The music industry is struggling – Music sales are down a huge 20% from ’06
– Music labels are shrinking or closing up (remember V3)
– Music Retailers are closing (Music World, Sam the Record Man)
– Big name acts are leaving their labels (Radiohead, NIN and others)
– Walmart started selling mp3s for less than a buck
Could this mean the end of music as we know it? Heck no!
– In 2002 humans made 38,000 albums
– In 2007 humans made 750,000 albums!

That means if you’re reading this you’re probably in a band. Can you
imagine? That’s almost a million albums. That means these suckers are
likely not doing it for the money any more. There’s less money, and there are more artists sharing the pot.

I hope to make one of the over 2000 albums released every day this
year. So of course, your shoulder cherub should be reminding you to support the artists you love.

Also, I would like to see video games like Rock Band and Guitar hero not have you become some legendary rock star, but one of the millions of obscure players just trying to earn enough scratch to scrape by.

Happy new year.

*UPDATE* I have been noodling around about three quarters of a million albums. If they were all an hour each on average…
750,000 hours of music or 31,250 days or 85 years.
Music can end now, 2007 had more music than I can ever listen to…


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This post was written by ArleyM