Idea: Boycotts Website
July 9, 2008 -There are a lot of dotcom millionaires out there who had a vision, worked hard, and got rich off of it. I won’t likely ever be one of those people; I never act on my brilliant ideas. Instead I’ll share them and someone else can.
One thing that hurts us all is lame customer service. How often have you been done wrong by, followed by a vow of never returning? I think there should be a social site where we can all sign up and share our horror stories at various retailers and service bureaus. We could then commiserate, join in boycotts and hopefully make customer service a lot better all over the world. I did a Google search and couldn’t find this site. They say when you’re given good customer service you’ll tell four people, bad service you tell ten. I want to tell ten million.
Here are a few boycotts I might share:
Walmart – I have been boycotting Walmart since 2003 because they are evil. We’ve all heard the stories of them closing out the competition, their crap merchandise and other social travesties. Mostly I think it’s terrifying that 8% of all money spent in America (and likely a stupid amount from Canada) goes to this giant.
Creative – I was recently given the run-around by this PC audio company. It seems that the Vista compatibility boasted on my new soundcard was a bit of an exaggeration. Even with the remote, and three line-ins, it doesn’t boast any more functionality on Vista than the on-board audio card. When indie-modder daniel_k started distributing his own drivers for Creative products they issued him a cease and desist. What’s more the jerks said this before he made drivers for my product.
I can also think of a certain hosting company whose incompetence puts them in the number one spot, but this story is still developing and might make a good post of its own.
Here’s an excellent live White Stripes performance on Jools Holland.
Tags: Brainstorm, IdeasCategorized in: Personal
This post was written by ArleyM