Crowd Sourcin’ Code!

October 9, 2012 - By

I have a fun idea! I want to build a webpage using only user submitted code / content. Here are some rules I’d like to follow: 

  • I want 100% of the code and content user generated
  • The code has to fit in a tweet
  • The code has to use the hashtag #cscode1
  • No more than one tag / content area per tweet
  • Image paths should be absolute
  • Keep it clean folks
So start thinking of some random sentences and code fragments you’d like to share. This will only work if I get a bit of traction. This could be a complete disaster. That’s still fun to me.
The short URL for this description page is if you want to share in your tweet / spread the word.

I’d like to gather up the code for a week or so before building the page, but it’s a hashtag, so really anyone can search and build. Now if someone would be kind enough to tweet me a doctype I’d be much obliged.

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This post was written by ArleyM