Conference Shout Outs

October 21, 2012 - By

I’ve been trying to track some of my Internet adventures in this elsewhere category; including speaking / teaching events, and writing on other blogs. I think I’d be remiss not to mention a couple other noteables here.

This is so flattering, humbling and amazing to me.

  • WordCamp Buffalo is happening this weekend. John B Hartley spoke about Responsible Responsiveness, and showed the responsive adjectives on the front page of as an example (I wrote about this for CSS-Tricks). He admitted to his audience that this isn’t best practice (I joked that it hardly seemed responsible!), but it is cool. “I love using it because people’s jaws just drop when the adjectives start changing.” You can find his presentation slides here.
  • Responsive Bootcamp is a workshop in Rhode Island on the topic of integrating responsive web design into your website. Speaker Jason Parmental let me know that another one of my CSS-Tricks articles made a nice addition to the weekend as well! This gets me pumped as I feel that  Vertical Responsive Web Design is something that can be pretty great for users and web site strategiest looking to make their primary call to action clearer.

I know where every good and perfect gift comes from. It’s an honour to be giving back to this web community in this way, and I’m glad for any inspiration or help I can give to my peers!

I’m pumped.


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This post was written by ArleyM